Gunicorn integration#

To get HTTP request tracking with web-top

  • You need to install web-top Python package in the same Python virtual environment as you have Gunicorn

  • You need to have a Redis server installed, as it will store the status of active and completed requests

Set web-top configuration

export TOP_TRACKER_URL="redis://localhost:7777/15"

Create a Gunicorn config file where tracking hooks are set. Example

import top.gunicorn.hooks

when_ready = top.gunicorn.hooks.when_ready
pre_request = top.gunicorn.hooks.pre_request
post_request = top.gunicorn.hooks.post_request

Start Gunicorn with the config file that sets the hooks:

gunicorn \
    --bind= \
    --workers=2 \
    --config=scripts/ \
    --log-level=debug \
    --access-logfile /dev/stdout \